Bose Institute Recruitment 2021 for Project Associate /Administrative Assistant /Project Assistant and Master Trainer, Check Now…!!
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Bose Institute Recruitment 2021 for new vacancies
In Short, Bose Institute Has released The Notification For Project Associate /Administrative Assistant /Project Assistant and Master Trainer. Online applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the following temporary posts to work in Bose Institute Project entitled “Improvement and broad-scale implementation of different biotechnology-oriented programmes for the socio-economic upliftment of Scheduled Tribe community of West BengalT. The project is an initiative for enhancement of the economic status of schedule tribe (ST) communities through improved, customized and sustainable income generation programmes, throughout the year. We intend to train modern technology and distribute units for mushroom cultivation, apiculture, vermicompost production, pisciculture, kitchen gardening, cultivation of cash crops etc.
The project implementation area would be few tribal areas of West Bengal. Research studies will be conducted at the Unified Academic Campus (UAC), Bose Institute, EN 80, Salt Lake, Kolkata and Falta Experimental Farm, 24 Parganas. Candidates will have to travel between Falta Experimental Farm and the UAC of Bose Institute with official documents, bills etc. Candidates will have to visit the tribal villages time to time for the need of the project.
The posts are purely temporary on contractual basis. Initially the appointment will be given for one year, which may be extendable upto 29.03.2024 (date of project termination) based on review of performance in every six months, and availability of funds from the sponsoring authority.
All the interested candidates should note that :
- 08 Vacancies
- Qualification Required is 10th/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ M.Sc
- Age limit 35 years – 50 years (post-wise)
- Pay Scale Of Rs.18,000-Rs.35,000/- (post-wise)
- Last Date To Apply is 24th November, 2021
- Location : Kolkata, West Bengal
Online Application Starts On : 09th November, 2021 Last Date To Apply Online : 24th November, 2021 | Candidates are required to apply online by using the Website (Given Below) (Before Applying candidate Should read all The Details In The Post And In The Notification ) |
10th/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ M.Sc (For More Details Candidate is free to read all the information in the Notification Given Below ) | AGE ,Qualification,etc |
Total 08 Vacancies Are Available | 35 years – 50 years (post-wise) Age Relaxation If Applicable, Then It Would Be As Per Rules & Details In Notification. |
1) Project Associate 2) Administrative Assistant 3) Project Assistant 4) Master Trainer | Rs.18,000-Rs.35,000/- (post-wise) |
Sn. | Name of Posts | Vacancies |
1) | Project Associate | 01 |
2) | Administrative Assistant | 01 |
3) | Project Assistant | 02 |
4) | Master Trainer | 04 |
Sn. | Name of Posts | Age Limit |
1) | Project Associate | 35 years |
2) | Administrative Assistant | 50 years |
3) | Project Assistant | 50 years |
4) | Master Trainer | 40 years |
Sn. | Name of Posts | Pay Scale |
1) | Project Associate | Rs. 35,000/- + 24% HRA, per month (as per the place of work). |
2) | Administrative Assistant | Rs. 18,000/- + 24% HRA, per month (as per the place of work). |
3) | Project Assistant | Rs. 20,000/- + 24% HRA, per month. |
4) | Master Trainer | Rs. 710/- per day for 26 days a month. |
1) Only duly filled online application will be processed (17:00 hrs IST up to 24.11.2021).
Shortlisted candidates will be asked to send the hard copy of the online application with applicant’s code (which will be generated only after submitting the application) along with self attested copies of certificates and testimonials and a colour passport size photograph to The Registrar(Officiating), Bose Institute, Block : EN-80, Sector-V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091 by 01.12.2021
2) The system will not accept any application after 24.11.2021 (17:00 hrsIST).
3) Copies of certificates/testimonial etc. and photograph should be attached at the stage of submitting online application. No need to send the hard copy.
4) Eligibility criteria including the upper age limit will be reckoned on the last date of submission of application i.e. on 24.11.2021.
5) The short-listed candidates’ name will be displayed in the Institute website only, tentatively on 09.12.2021. No separate correspondence will be made in this regard.
6) The interview of short-listed candidates will be held in the month of December, 2021. Details will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates. The short-listed candidates are advised to follow the Institute’s website regularly.
7) Before applying, the applicant should ensure that they posses at least the essential qualifications and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. If a candidate is not found eligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment. It may also be noted that even if a candidate qualifies in the test/interview and subsequently it is found that he/she does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
8) The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. In the event of number of applications being large the Institute will resort to short listing criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit.
9) The interested and eligible candidates may keep watch at this site for any amendment.
10) No interim queries will be entertained except technical queries regarding online application. For any such queries contact: Webmaster – [email protected]
11) Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
12) The Institute Authority reserves the rights to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Note: All the candidates are suggested to go through the notification thoroughly before applying.
APPLY ONLINE | Click Here |
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( Information Given In The post Is for Quick Reference Only. Do not completely Rely on it. For All The Further Details Candidate Should Read The Document / Notification / Advertisement ,Confirm all the Details And Then Apply )
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