Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO)

Advertisement for the selection of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

  • DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory- Cognitive technology is constituted of young
    scientists to do extensive research and development in the cognitive radio, cognitive
    radar and cognitive surveillance fields.
  • The lab has association of eminent Institutes
    like, IIT, Central & State Universities and other leading academic institutions. Lab
    invites applications from candidates having strong desire to pursue research in the area
    of innovative technology and possessing qualifications as under, for the position of
    Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
  • Initially, the fellowships shall be for a period of two
    years (which can be extendable for further two years as per rules in force). The
    Competent Authority shall operate a panel of selected candidates for filling up the
    positions from both existing and likely to arise in the future as well, in the order of
    merit/discipline for a period of one year from the date of declaration of panel Iist.

Candidates working in Govt/Public Sector

  1. Uppar age limit: 28 years as on the last date of receipt of application. The upper
    age limit shall be relaxable to candidates from SC, ST and OBC(NCL)category as per
    Govt. rules in vogue.
  2. Emolument: Stipend of Rs.31000/- per month plus HRA as applicable.
  3. The detailed advertisement with application form and other specimen formats are
    available in the website Interested candidates can also obtain tne application form
    and other details through
  4. The duly filled-in application and self-attested copies of educational qualifications
    and experience should reach:
    The Director,
    DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory-Cognitive Technology
    Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO)
    5th Floor, IITM Research Park
    Kanagam Road, Taramani
    within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment
    News. The envelope containing application should be super scribed “Application for
    JRF” at the top left corner. In addition, they may send a soft copy of the application to
    [email protected].
  5. Mode of selection shall be by Interview. The Date, time, venue and mode of interview
    will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates by post and email.
  6. Candidates working in Govt/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies should
    apply through proper channel. They are required to submit a signed declaration
    (Annexure ‘II’) to the extent that they have informed their Cadre Controlling Authority
    (CCA) about their application for the fellowship in DRDO and required to produce a “No
    Objection Certificate” from their CCA as per Annexure III at the time of interview.
  7. The Offer of fellowship is purely of temporary in nature for a limited period as per
    rules in vogue and does not confer any right for absorption in DRDO.
  8. Those who were already awarded JRF position in any of the DRDO Laboratories/
    centers earlier, are not eligible to apply again.
  9. Candidate need to attach the proof of CGPA to percentage conversion formula from
    the University/Institution along with the application form.
  10. Official Site- Click Here
  11. Email-: [email protected]

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